Internazionali d’Italia Mx Round 1 Riola Sardo

Internazionali d’Italia Mx Round 1 Riola Sardo.
L’edizione numero 27 degli Internazionali d’Italia 2024 si è disputata sulla pista di Riola Sardo in Sardegna, tracciato dal fondo sabbioso che mette a dura prova moto e piloti.
Il Racestore KTM Factory Rookies fa il suo esordio in pista con i nuovi piloti della classe 125, Gyan Doensen e Nicolò Alvisi, che sotto la direzione di Thomas Traversini, si sono presentati a questa gara in buono stato di forma dopo la preparazione invernale.
Nelle prove ufficiali Doesen si trova subito a suo agio sulla sabbia di Riola, facendo segnare il miglior tempo e strappando così la pole position. Ottima prestazione anche quella di Alvisi, che chiude con il sesto tempo.
Al via della prima manche i due giovani piloti sono strepitosi alla partenza e alla prima curva sono primo e secondo con Doesen che prende il comando delle operazioni e fin da subito sembra avere un passo insostenibile per tutti. Ritmo che mantiene fino alla fine, andando a vincere con un grande vantaggio sugli avversari. Alvisi invece, non ha avuto grande fortuna: colpito da un avversario, cede e perde molte posizioni. Nel cercare di recuperare Nicolò purtroppo entra in contatto un’altra volta con un altro pilota e sommato a qualche errore, non ha potuto fare meglio della 22° piazza.
Altra bella partenza per entrambi i piloti in gara 2. Doesen si è inserito da subito nelle prime posizioni, ma una caduta lo fa retrocedere di molte posizioni. Con una rimonta in soli 5 giri riesce ad arrivare alla terza piazza chiudendo nella classifica finale al secondo posso a pari punti con il primo.
Altro errore per Alvisi, che lo vede di nuovo retrocedere oltre la metà classifica. Nicolò con una buona progressione e amministrando bene riesce a recuperare posizioni arrivando fino alla decima posizione.
Weekend positivo per il team che vede Gyan Doesen conquistare il suo primo podio con il secondo posto assoluto e Nicolò Alvisi, nonostante le cadute terminare in sedicesima posizione assoluta. Il prossimo fine settimana si torna in pista a Mantova per la chiusura degli Internazionali d’Italia.
Thomas Traversini – Team Manager: ”L’inizio di stagione possiamo dire che è stato positivo, il lavoro che abbiamo fatto sta dando i suoi frutti, naturalmente ci sono diverse cose su cui dobbiamo migliorare ma questo ci serve per capire in che direzione bobbiamo andare. I piloti hanno dimostrato una grande velocità, Gyan era il pilota più veloce in pista peccato non aver portato a casa la vittoria, Nicolò tra i piloti che sono saliti di categoria è stato il più veloce solo un pochino di inesperienza ha commesso qualche errore di troppo ma che serve per crescere. Siamo pronti per continuare a lavorare per prepararci al meglio ai prossimi appuntamenti.
Paolo Mencacci – Team Owner:”Siamo soddisfatti di questo primo fine settimana di gare, anche se Gyan ha chiuso al secondo posto per noi è come una vittoria, per Alvisi siamo fiduciosi perché è un ragazzo che ha dimostrato di essere veloce nei tempi e sono sicuro che migliorerà anche in gara. Voglio ringraziare tutti i componenti del team, Thomas Traversini, KTM e tutti gli sponsor. Andiamo a Mantova e sono sicuro che potremo far bene.”

Internationals of Italy Mx Round 1 Riola Sardo.
The 27th edition of the 2024 Internazionali d’Italia took place on the Riola Sardo track in Sardinia, a sandy surface that puts bikes and riders to the test.
The Racestore KTM Factory Rookies makes its debut on the track with the new riders of the 125 class, Gyan Doensen and Nicolò Alvisi, who, under the direction of Thomas Traversini, showed up for this race in good shape after their winter preparation.
In the official tests Doesen immediately found himself at ease on the sand of Riola, setting the best time and thus snatching the pole position. Alvisi also performed excellently, finishing sixth.
At the start of the first heat the two young drivers were sensational at the start and at the first corner they were first and second with Doesen taking command of the operations and right from the start he seemed to have an unsustainable pace for everyone. A pace that he maintained until the end, going on to win with a big advantage over his opponents. Alvisi, on the other hand, didn’t have great luck: hit by an opponent, he gave in and lost many positions. In trying to recover Nicolò unfortunately he comes into contact once again with another driver and added to some errors, he was unable to do better than 22nd place.
Another good start for both riders in race 2. Doesen immediately entered the top positions, but a fall sent him back several positions. With a comeback in just 5 laps he managed to get to third place, finishing in second place in the final classification, equal on points with first place.
Another mistake for Alvisi, which sees him relegated again beyond mid-table. Nicolò with good progression and good management manages to recover positions reaching up to tenth position.
Positive weekend for the team which saw Gyan Doesen conquer his first podium with second place overall and Nicolò Alvisi, despite the crashes, finish in sixteenth position overall. Next weekend we’ll be back on track in Mantua for the closing of the Italian Internationals.
Thomas Traversini – Team Manager: “We can say that the start of the season has been positive, the work we have done is bearing fruit, naturally there are several things we need to improve on but this helps us understand in which direction we need to go . The drivers demonstrated great speed, Gyan was the fastest driver on the track, it’s a shame he didn’t take home the victory, Nicolò was the fastest among the drivers who moved up in category, just a little bit of inexperience, he made a few too many mistakes but what is needed to grow. We are ready to continue working to better prepare for the next appointments.
Paolo Mencacci – Team Owner: “We are satisfied with this first weekend of racing, even if Gyan finished in second place it is like a victory for us, for Alvisi we are confident because he is a boy who has proven to be fast in his times and I am I’m sure he will improve in the race too. I want to thank all the team members, Thomas Traversini, KTM and all the sponsors. We’re going to Mantua and I’m sure we can do well.”
Internationals of Italy Mx Round 1 Riola Sardo.
The 27th edition of the 2024 Internazionali d’Italia took place on the Riola Sardo track in Sardinia, a sandy surface that puts bikes and riders to the test.
The Racestore KTM Factory Rookies makes its debut on the track with the new riders of the 125 class, Gyan Doensen and Nicolò Alvisi, who, under the direction of Thomas Traversini, showed up for this race in good shape after their winter preparation.
In the official tests Doesen immediately found himself at ease on the sand of Riola, setting the best time and thus snatching the pole position. Alvisi also performed excellently, finishing sixth.
At the start of the first heat the two young drivers were sensational at the start and at the first corner they were first and second with Doesen taking command of the operations and right from the start he seemed to have an unsustainable pace for everyone. A pace that he maintained until the end, going on to win with a big advantage over his opponents. Alvisi, on the other hand, didn’t have great luck: hit by an opponent, he gave in and lost many positions. In trying to recover Nicolò unfortunately he comes into contact once again with another driver and added to some errors, he was unable to do better than 22nd place.
Another good start for both riders in race 2. Doesen immediately entered the top positions, but a fall sent him back several positions. With a comeback in just 5 laps he managed to get to third place, finishing in second place in the final classification, equal on points with first place.
Another mistake for Alvisi, which sees him relegated again beyond mid-table. Nicolò with good progression and good management manages to recover positions reaching up to tenth position.
Positive weekend for the team which saw Gyan Doesen conquer his first podium with second place overall and Nicolò Alvisi, despite the crashes, finish in sixteenth position overall. Next weekend we’ll be back on track in Mantua for the closing of the Italian Internationals.
Thomas Traversini – Team Manager: “We can say that the start of the season has been positive, the work we have done is bearing fruit, naturally there are several things we need to improve on but this helps us understand in which direction we need to go . The drivers demonstrated great speed, Gyan was the fastest driver on the track, it’s a shame he didn’t take home the victory, Nicolò was the fastest among the drivers who moved up in category, just a little bit of inexperience, he made a few too many mistakes but what is needed to grow. We are ready to continue working to better prepare for the next appointments.
Paolo Mencacci – Team Owner: “We are satisfied with this first weekend of racing, even if Gyan finished in second place it is like a victory for us, for Alvisi we are confident because he is a boy who has proven to be fast in his times and I am I’m sure he will improve in the race too. I want to thank all the team members, Thomas Traversini, KTM and all the sponsors. We’re going to Mantua and I’m sure we can do well.”